The King's House started in 2006 as a simple prayer gathering on Monday nights. Rui and Stacy Porfirio felt the urgent need to open their home at 10pm on Monday nights to anyone who was hungry for more of God. The prayer meetings would often last into the early hours of the morning. Believers and non believers from the DFW area and from all backgrounds would gather to wait on God and stand as watchmen in prayer over the city and nation. Rui often times would give passionate exhortations on the need for personal salvation, awakening and revival. Many lives have experienced salvation, baptisms in the Holy Spirit, transformation, and the life changing Presence of God in the Porfirio home. The Monday night gathering turned into a Friday night gathering as well. From August 2006 to June 2013, Monday's and Friday's at the Porfirio home became a place where people would cry out for God to pour out His Spirit . In 2012 the Lord began to speak in profound ways to the Porfirio family and a team of intercessors that He wanted to turn the family room revival into a regional wide furnace of prayer and worship that would go day and night. Since accepting the call a band of believers have embraced the burning desire to establish a resting place for God's Presence and have not looked back. God has brought together a fellowship of the burning hearts to give Jesus the reward of His suffering, unceasing adoration. May the fire on our altar never burn out!