Encounter God Service
Saturday's at 6:00pm
Meleah House of Prayer Director
Exalting Jesus Day and Night with Prayer and Worship
Dedicated. Educated. Passionate.

In the last few years, Rui Porfirio and the Meleah House of Prayer (now the King’s House) have become some of the key spiritual armorbearers in my own life and ministry, as they wage war in the spiritual realm for the fulfillment of the promises and purposes of God. No ministry on the planet is more important than the ministry of prayer, and I and millions of other believers and leaders are indebted to prayer warriors like this who make intercession day and night in the Lord’s holy presence. This kind of prayer, grounded deeply in Scripture and empowered by broken-hearted travail, can change the world.
Dr. Michael L. Brown,
Host, the Line of Fire radio broadcast, author of Revival or We Die

I’m convinced with all my heart that we are in a middle of a reformation in the midst of the church and at the core of this change is Jesus placing ministry to Him in worship and prayer back at the center of the church. God is marking houses all over the world who are fully embracing this shift and King’s House is one of these forerunner communities. I whole heartedly endorse this house and it’s leadership team and pray that God uses these people mightily in the coming days..
Corey Russell Author and Speaker

“It is with great joy that I celebrate and commend King’s House and my friends Rui and Stacy Porfirio for their labor of love and offering of prayer and worship in North Dallas. It is rare to know dynamic, gifted leaders that care nothing about the “stuff” that motivates so many ministers in our culture, but instead care about Jesus, His word, and His Spirit breaking through with power and glory. They have given their lives to contend for the things that truly matter, the things that are eternal and of first priority to the Father. In my view, this makes them safe leaders, and it makes King’s House good soil to plant, grow, and thrive under the Father’s leadership. “
David Sliker
Senior Leadership International House of Prayer, Kansas City and President of International House of Prayer University

I am thankful for Rui and Stacy Porfirio and the altar of prayer they are building in the DFW region. If you are hungry for the move of the Holy Spirit in this nation, and are looking for a spiritual family that burns for revival and is firmly committed to the the Word of God, I highly recommend Kings House.
Wes Hall
Open Door House of Prayer
Former Faculty member at the International House of Prayed University

What a great Church / House of Prayer! I have personally been involved watching the Lord build His House of Prayer in McKinney, Texas the past ten years! The atmosphere is always charged with His presence! Great teaching! Great preaching! Great children's ministry! Great heart for giving to the poor! Great place to develop a heart for worship & prayer! Great vision! Great place for those seeking the fullness of everything Jesus has provided at the cross!
Rick Rupp
Founder Clean Water 4 Life

It’s rare in this hour to find a leadership and a people who are more concerned with the presence and the Word of God, than systems, numbers, and anything else. I can truly say I have had some of the most profound encounters with God - ones that have marked me and changed my life - in this house of prayer, with this family. I’m grateful for the humility, kindness, and zeal, that Rui, Stacy and the leadership team have. God is smiling over Kings House
Kendrian and Lauren Dueck
Worship Leaders
The King's House is one of the most Jesus seeking bodies of believers I have ever had the privilege of ministering to. Their zeal for worship and prayer in the word is unrivaled. I highly encourage anyone in the north metroplex area to attend this church. You will find the DNA of the kingdom of God manifest in the body of these believers. God bless you all.
Dan Bohi
Becoming Love Ministries

I have personally known Rui and his incredible family for seventeen years. I have had the privilege of witnessing a man that has given himself completely to the cause of prayer. The Kings House, without a doubt, has been a tower of strength and support in regard to the work that God has called my family to complete in South East Asia. (Thailand Philippines ). In our darkest hours on the mission field Rui, and The Kings House were there to lift us up spiritually and financially. Eternity will reveal those things prayed in secret!!!!
Tent and Amy Pruett
Safe Havens Children's Home
Davao, Philippines

Rui & Stacey carry a pure heart for the presence and voice of the Lord. As they have followed the call to make His house a house of prayer for all nations God has been pleased to cause His presence to rest on them. I have seen the fear of the Lord they carry as they steward the revelations given to this community and it is beautiful. If you want to grow in the fear of the Lord and develop a heart for prayer Kings House will be a blessing to you.
In His love,
John E. Thomas
Streams Ministries International

Kings House: A church where the presence of Jesus is the priority and the pastors model a deep relationship with Him. This church is presences driven, discovering the joy of walking closely with Jesus together! This isn’t a church you shop, it’s a church you lay down roots to grow into maturity.
Pastor Mike Connaway

​Each time I’ve visited Kings House, I have left encouraged and built up in my faith. They are a strong community of Spirit filled believers who carry the Lord’s heart of Justice. I admire their hunger for the Word of God, their passion for Jesus, their fiery worship and their desire to see His Kingdom come on earth. I highly recommend anyone looking for a Godly community to become involved with Kings House
Katy Cherny
Director of Prisoners of Hope
International House of Prayer, Kansas City